Exhibitor Prospectus
Partnering with Exhibitors
SfN's Exhibitor Prospectus provides exhibitors with a comprehensive overview of Neuroscience 2019.
As the leading event in the field of neuroscience, Neuroscience 2019 provides you with an opportunity to gain and retain your share of the neuroscience market. Plan now to be a part of this bustling marketplace, the ideal platform to showcase your latest products, capture new leads, and give product demonstrations to an audience of proven buyers.
SfN Exhibitor Prospectus
Exhibit Invitation
Join the Society for Neuroscience in Chicago, Illinois October 19–23 for a one-of-a-kind event bringing together scientists, clinicians, and decision-makers in the global scientific community to exchange new knowledge and share the latest research on the brain and nervous system.
Terms for Exhibiting
Exhibitors agree to abide by the contract conditions published in the prospectus and on the SfN website and by all conditions stipulated by McCormick Place.
Exhibit Fee Information
Full payment is due by June 28 (commercial applications only). If payment is not received by this date, exhibit space may be reassigned and deposit may be returned less 50 percent of the total cost of the space assigned.
Contractual Considerations
As a condition for exhibiting, each exhibitor agrees to observe all Society policies. Violations will incur a reduction in priority points for each regulation violated.
Booth Information
Each 10’ x 10’ exhibit space will have 8’ high white back drape and 36” white side rail defining the confines of the space, rain forest (green) and black aisle carpet will be provided in the exhibit hall.
Exhibitor Registration and Session Info
Exhibiting companies are urged to have at least one staff member or security personnel in their booth by noon on Saturday, and by 7 a.m. CDT Sunday through Wednesday.
Booth Activities
Learn about guidelines and policies dictating booth activities at Neuroscience 2019.
Installation and Dismantle
The Online Exhibitor Service Manual containing a complete set of service forms will be available July 15.
Exhibitor Advisory Committee
The purpose of the Exhibitor Advisory Committee (EAC) is to foster communication between SfN and its exhibitors.