Learn about Sponsorship for New Members
Use the SfN member directory to find a sponsor.
Why do I need a sponsor to join SfN?
As part of the organization’s bylaws, all new members are required to be sponsored by one active Postdoctoral, Regular, or Emeritus member. The requirement ensures members are increasing their networks within and outside of their current institutions.
What do I need from my sponsor?
When you join SfN, you will need to enter your sponsor's last name and member ID number.
Where can I find my sponsor's member ID number?
You will need to get this directly from your sponsor as member ID numbers are not made public. If a sponsor does not know their member ID number, they can find it by logging into their profile on my.SfN.org. Alternatively, the sponsor can email membership@sfn.org or call (202) 962-4911 for their member ID number. Add membership@sfn.org to your safe senders list and ask your IT department to allowlist emails from SfN.org.
What if I don’t know a SfN member?
Start by going to the Member Directory to locate the contact information of a potential sponsor. To improve your search, you should limit it to a small population, such as a zip/postal code or city. If you would like to search for a member in a particular city, you may want to limit the search by entering one letter in the last or first name field.
What should I say when I reach out to a potential sponsor?
While this is at your discretion, some ideas are to include your reasons for joining the Society, information about your current position/research, and a copy of your CV.
If I contact a SfN member to request sponsorship, will they respond?
While there is no guarantee that every person you contact will respond to you and agree to sponsor your membership application, many will. SfN members are generally happy to expand the community and lend support to new members. It is a good idea to contact several potential sponsors.
Who can sponsor my membership application?
Any postdoc, regular or emeritus SfN member with an active membership for the current year may serve as your sponsor. There is no limit to how many new members an existing member can sponsor.
Need Assistance with Sponsorship?
Applicants who are unable to find a sponsor may have their application reviewed by members of the SfN Global Membership Committee or Trainee Advisory Committee. Please note that this process can take up to 30 days. Contact membership@sfn.org to make this request. Add membership@sfn.org to your safe senders list and ask your IT department to allowlist emails from SfN.org.
What is the difference between sponsoring a new member of SfN and being an Annual Meeting sponsor?
As part of the individual membership application for a new member, the applicant must submit the member ID and last name of an individual SfN member to sponsor their membership application. Distinct from this, SfN offers opportunities for companies, organizations, and individuals to serve as a sponsor of one or more activities held at SfN’s annual meeting. For more information you can review SfN’s Advertising and Sponsorship Opportunities.