Classic Papers
As a service to the community, SfN has collected a list of high impact classic papers addressing a range of neuroscience topics, with access to the PDFs when available.
- Action Potentials
- Arousal
- Attention
- Electroencephalography
- Emotion
- Frontal Lobe Function
- Hormones
- Language
- Learning and Memory
- Sprouting
- Stress
- Synaptic Function
- Viewpoints and Reviews
Action Potentials
- Hodgkin, A.L. and Huxley, A.F., and Katz, B (1952) Measurement of current-voltage relations in the membrane of the giant axon of Loligo. (3.2 MB) Journal of Physiology, 116: 424-448.
- Hodgkin, A.L. and Huxley, A.F. (1952) Currents carried by sodium and potassium ions through the membrane of the giant axon of Loligo. (3.4 MB) Journal of Physiology, 116: 449-472.
- Hodgkin, A.L. and Huxley, A.F. (1952) The components of membrane conductance in the giant axon of Loligo. (6.9 MB) Journal of Physiology, 116: 473-496
- Hodgkin, A.L. and Huxley, A.F. (1952) The dual effect of membrane potential on sodium conductance in the giant axon of Loligo. (2.6 MB) Journal of Physiology, 116: 497-506.
- Hodgkin, A.L. and Huxley, A.F. (1952) A quantitative description of membrane current and its application to conduction and excitation in nerve. (12.8 MB) Journal of Physiology, 117(4): 500-544.
- Moruzzi, G. and Magoun, H.W. (1949) Brain stem reticular formation and activation of the EEG. (6.5 MB) EEG and Clin Neurophys, 1, 455-473.
- Yerkes, R.M. and Dodson, J.D. (1908) The relation of strength of stimulus to rapidity of habit formation. (7.8 MB) The Journal of Comparative Neurology and Psychology, 18: 459-482.
- Broadbent, DE (1957) A mechanical model for human attention and immediate memory. (4.4 MB) The Psychological Review, 64: 205-215.
- Tresiman, AM & Geffen (1967) Selective attention: perception or response. Quart J. Exp. Psychol, 19: 1-17.
- Berger, H. (1929) On the electroencephalogram of man. (English translation). EEG and Clin Neurophys, 1969, Supplement 28, p. 37-73.
- Bard, P. (1929) A diencephalic mechanism for the expression of rage with special reference to the sympathetic nervous system. (12.1 MB) Amer J. Physiol, 84: 490-515.
- Kluever, H. and Bucy, P.C. (1938). An analysis of certain effects of bilateral temporal lobectomy in the rhesus monkey, with special reference to "psychic blindness." (5.2 MB) Journal of Psychology, 5: 33-54.
- Papez, J. W. (1937). A Proposed Mechanism of Emotion. (6.1 MB) Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 38:725-734.
- Schacter, S. and Singer, J. (1962). Cognitive, social, and physiological determinants of emotional state. (10.3 MB) Physiol. Rev. 69: 379-399. (pending permission to publish)
Frontal Lobe Function
- Harlow, J.M. (1868). Recovery from the Passage of an Iron Bar through the Head. (4.7 MB) Pub. Mass. Med. Soc., 2: 327-347.
- Jacobsen, C.F. (1935) Functions of frontal association areas in primates. (7.5 MB) Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 33: 358-369.
- McEwen B, Weiss J, Schwartz L (1968). Selective retention of corticosterone by limbic structures in rat brain. (1.2 MB) Nature, 220: 911.
- Wernicke, C. (1874). (English translation). The Aphasia Symptom complex: A Psychological Study on an Anatomical Basis. (20.2 MB) Breslau: Cohn and Weigert.
- Broca, P. (1865). On the site of the faculty of articulated speech. (English translation) in Arch Neurol, 1986, 43: 1065-1072.
Learning and Memory
- Scoville, W.B. and Milner, B. (1957). Loss of Recent Memory After Bilateral Hippocampal Lesions. (5.6 MB) J. Neurol. Neurosurg, Psychiatr., 20: 11-21.
- McGaugh, J.L. (1966). Time Dependent Processes in Memory Storage. (868 K) Science, 153: 1351-1358.
- Tolman, E.C. (1949). There is more than one kind of learning. (5.5 MB) The Psychological Review. 56: 144-155.
- Korsakoff, S.S. (1889). Psychic Disorder in Conjunction with Multiple Neuritis. (5.6 MB) (English translation with commentary) Neurology, 1955, 5: 394-406.
- Yerkes, R.M. and Morgulis, S. (1909). The Method of Pawlow in Animal Psychology. (7.8 MB) the Psychological Bulletin, 6: 257-273.
- Van Harreveld, A. (1945). Re-Innervation of denervated muscle fibers by adjacent functioning motor units. Amer J Physiol, 144: 477-493.
- Hoffman, H. (1950). Local reinnervation in partially dennervated muscle; a histopathological study. Aust. J. Exp. Biol. Med. Sci., 28: 383-397.
- Selye, H. (1936). A syndrome produced by diverse nocuous agents. (641 K) Nature, 138: 32.
Synaptic Function
- Dale, H.H., Feldberg, W. and Vogt, M. (1936). Release of Acetylcholine at voluntary motor nerve endings. (9.4 MB) J. Physiol., 86: 353-380.
- Fatt, P. and Katz, B. (1951). An analysis of the end-plate potential recorded with an intra-cellular electrode. (14.4 MB) J. Physiol. 115: 320-370.
- Fatt, P. and Katz, B. (1952). Spontaneous subthreshold activity at motor nerve endings. (6.0 MB) J. Physiol. 117: 109-128.
- Katz, B. and Miledi, R. (1967). The release of acetylcholine from nerve endings by graded electrical pulses. (9.2 MB) Proc. Roy. Soc., 167: 23-38.
- Katz, B. and Miledi, R. (1967). The timing of calcium action during neuromuscular transmission. (4.3 MB). J. Physiol., 189: 535-544.
- Katz, B. and Miledi, R. (1970). Membrane noise produced by acetylcholine. (1.0 MB) Nature, 226: 962-963.
- Katz, B. and Miledi, R. (1972). The statistical nature of the acetylcholine potential and its molecular components. (14.5 MB) J. Physiol., 224: 665-699.
- Miledi, R. (1973). Transmitter release induced by injection of calcium ions into nerve terminals. (2.3 MB) Proc. R. Soc. Lond., 183: 421-425.
Viewpoints and Reviews
- Breland, K. and Breland, M. (1961). The Misbehavior of Organisms. (3.8 MB) American Psychologist, 16: 681-684.
- Beach, F.A. (1950). The Snark was a Boojum. (9.2 MB) American Psychologist, 5: 115-124.
- Ritchie, B.F. (1953). The Circumnavigation of Cognition. (3.3 MB) Psychological Review, 60: 216-221.