JNeurosci Editorial Column: Changes to the Review Process
JNeurosci Editor-in-chief Marina Picciotto’s second editorial column explains changes to manuscript review process. Here is some of what was outlined:
Editorial Rejection
Despite the increase in the rate of editorial rejection, the overall acceptance rate has not changed to a similar degree.
Acceptance Rate
JNeurosci expects to continue accepting ~20–25 percent of submitted manuscripts.
Brief Communications
eNeuro is the new home for the Brief Communication format for reporting novel observations that do not yet have mechanistic underpinnings. JNeurosci will still publish short manuscripts and has no lower or upper limit on the number of figures; it will focus on well-rounded papers, regardless of length.
Review Process
JNeurosci now requests that reviewers comment on and score technical/methodological aspects of each manuscript separately from the rating of significance.
Reviewer Consultations
Consultation sessions allow editors to get a consensus from the reviewers before making a final decision on the manuscript and provide authors with a single set of comments to address.
Bi-Directional Transfer Process
Since this transfer process was established in January, the average time in review for manuscripts accepted after transfer has been decreased by more than 60 percent.
Read more information about these changes on jneurosci.org! Picciotto welcomes your comments, which can be e-mailed to JN_EIC@SFN.org or tweeted to @SfNJournals and @marinaP63.