Commonly Requested Documents
- Grant applications
- Progress reports
- OLAW investigations
- PHS animal welfare assurances
- Noncompliance complaints
- Administrative actions
- Correspondence between the NIH and a particular university or investigator (including emails)
All of these items must generally be released; however, some information may be redacted (redacted information may include: Social Security Numbers, names of researchers other than the PI, percent of effort, references to unpublished articles, etc.)
- Inspection reports
- Investigations
- Annual reports
- Animal use reports
- Animal care reports
- Registration applications
- Correspondence between the USDA and a particular university or investigator (including emails)
All of these items must generally be released; however, some information may be redacted (redacted information may include: Social Security Numbers, names of researchers other than the PI, percent of effort, references to unpublished articles, etc.). Results of investigations are generally only released once the investigation is complete.
- Research protocols
- Noncompliance complaints
- IACUC minutes
- IACUC notes
- IACUC investigations
- Sick/dead animal reports
- Photographic and video records of research
- Correspondence between the university and a federal agency (including emails), usually regarding a specific grant
The disclosure of these items differs between states, depending on state open records laws and court decisions interpreting state laws. For example, IACUC minutes are subject to open records requests in some states but not in others.