ALS Association
The ALS Association provides ALS research funding opportunities
Alzheimer's Drug Discovery Foundation
Founded in 1998 by Leonard A. and Ronald S. Lauder, the ADDF is the only charity solely dedicated to funding the development of drugs for Alzheimer's. The ADDF employs a venture philanthropy model, funding research in academia and the biotechnology industry worldwide.
Eppendorf & "Science" Prize for Neurobiology
Awards a $25,000 prize for neurobiology to one young scientist per year.
Fogarty International Center — National Institutes of Health
Lists NIH research grants for a variety of neuroscience-related initiatives, with special focus on those outside the United States. The list is continuously updated to reflect open calls for applications and future due dates.
International Brain Research Organization (IBRO)
Focuses resources on brain science research and offers fellowships, travel awards, and “return home” grants.
International Academies of Science (IAP)
Funds research in multiple aspects of science and society. Membership is composed of science academies around the world who are the only eligible recipients of funding.
International Foundation for Science (IFS)
Funds research in multiple areas and has special programs for scientists in developing countries.
The New York Stem Cell Foundation Neuroscience Investigator Awards
The NYSCF Investigator Program provides funding to early career scientists, supporting them as they move beyond their postdoctoral training to establish their own, independent research.
Tianqiao and Chrissy Chen Institute (TCCI)
Supports a wide range of conferences and meetings in North America, Asia, and Europe, including support for young scientists to attend these meetings. TCCI is currently accepting funding requests for conferences, meetings, and workshops relevant to its mission.