Latin America and the Caribbean
Albert Einstein Israelite Brazilian Benefit Society
Funds research in neuroscience applications and therapies, and the Brain Institute, which employs researchers in eight divisions, each with multiple lines of investigation.
National Council of Science and Technology Development (CNPq)
Funds research in multiple areas. Offers long- and short-term grants available for individuals (postdoctoral fellows or senior researchers) to international researchers.
São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP)
Funds research in multiple areas. Has key partnerships with BBSRC, UK-Brazil Frontiers of Science Symposium and ANR. Offers links to calls for proposals. Offers young investigator awards.
Fundación Ciencia para la Vida (Life Science Foundation)
Funds research in multiple areas, including biomedical sciences and neuroscience. Partner organizations are listed on website; Fundación hosts laboratories of international biotech companies. Provides funding for in-house science research along particular thematic lines.
National Science and Technology Investigation Commission
Funds research in multiple areas and awards doctoral fellowships overseas and postgrad fellowships in Chile.
National Council on Science and Technology (CONACYT)
Funds research in multiple areas. Offers scholarships, scientific development grants, and postgrad scholarships.
National Science, Technology, and Innovation Technology Council/National Fund for Scientific, Technological, and Innovation Technology Development (CONCYTEC/FONDECYT)
Funds research in multiple areas. Offers scholarships, project grants, awards, event and publication funding. Available for postgrads, international researchers, and established researchers.