The Scientific Publications Committee oversees and guides SfN's ongoing scientific publication activities, including publication of The Journal of Neuroscience, eNeuro, and materials pertaining to the history of neuroscience; and to develop innovative strategies for increasing the relevance, quality, and accessibility of Society publications.
Roles and Responsibilities
- Analyze access policies and The Journal of Neuroscience and eNeuro overall publishing strategy, and propose strategies that reflect SfN's position as the thought leader.
- Provide input and advise on the selection of the Senior Editors for The Journal of Neuroscience and the Advisory Board members for eNeuro as requested by the Editors-in-Chief to help ensure editorial breadth of coverage.
- Review and recommend changes in fees for The Journal of Neuroscience and eNeuro.
- Review and provide input on proposals from the Editors-in-Chief and staff regarding changes in policies and practices.
- Oversee SfN publications documenting the history of neuroscience.
- Recommend activities that help preserve the history of neuroscience.
- Recommend activities that foster communication among scientists via journals and other modes of scientific communication.
The members of the Scientific Publications Committee will serve as advisors for SfN's scientific publications, including JNeurosci, eNeuro, and the History of Neuroscience in Autobiography to ensure the publications reflect SfN's values and strategic direction. The committee will provide input to the Editor-in-Chief (EiC) of JNeurosci and eNeuro on matters such as editorial board appointments, peer review, and other issues related to the publication of excellent and rigorous science. The Committee will provide advice and input to Council on proposals and policies related to scientific publishing as requested or as issues arise. The Committee will also provide input to the editors of the History of Neuroscience in Autobiography regarding the selection of authors and contributors for each issue.
- Provide input to Council as needed on the development of publishing strategies and other issues related to scientific publishing, including the launch and development of new products or services in the scientific publishing space. This will be provided at least once annually in the fall in an in-person meeting of the Committee Chair with Council, and may be provided as needed throughout the year on calls with Council and the Executive Committee.
- Provide input to Council and the EiCs on the performance of SfN publications with respect to their position in the current publishing landscape and to the mission of the Society.
- Provide feedback to the EiCs on issues, proposals, or other matters related to their scientific publications with respect to their position in the current publishing landscape and to the mission of the Society.
- Provide feedback to the EiCs on issues, proposals, or other matters related to their scientific publications, including items such as policy and fee changes, prior to consideration by Council or other governance bodies.
- Provide input to the EiCs of the History of Neuroscience in Autobiography about authors to be asked to write for the series as needed.
- Serve as a proxy for the broader author community to provide input and feedback to the editors of the Society's journals.
- Monitor the external publishing environment, noting trends, challenges, and changes and share their perspectives on this information with Council and EiCs regularly.
- Serve as a source of information to Council about changes in the publishing landscape, and provide analysis as needed on how these issues may affect SfN.
- Encourage effective communication and collaboration between the EiCs of SfN's scientific journals.
- The chair of the committee, in consultation with the members of the committee, will provide input to Council about the annual performance reviews of the JNeurosci and eNeuro Editors-in-Chief each year.
The committee will be comprised of standard committee members who serve three-year terms, and is normally limited to seven members in total. The SfN treasurer, Editors-in-Chief of JNeurosci and eNeuro serve as ex officio members. Additional members with broad experience in journal editorial matters shall be appointed by Council.
The committee will meet in person at least once each year during the annual meeting, and more frequently as needed. Additionally, the committee will hold conference calls in the quarters that an in-person meeting is not held. Committee members may also be invited to join regular calls with the EiCs to informally share information and advice.
Scientific Publications Committee
Chairperson | Term Ends |
Markovac, Jasna
Yale University |
11/17/2026 |
Members | |
Baker, Christopher I.
11/18/2025 |
Ramos, Raddy L
New York Institute of Technology College of Osteopathic Medicine |
11/18/2025 |
Eatock, Ruth Anne
University of Chicago |
11/17/2026 |
Sjostrom, Per Jesper
McGill University |
11/17/2026 |
Ex Officio Members | Term Ends |
Kastner, Sabine
Princeton University |
12/31/2027 |